Thursday, January 28, 2010

Anti Social When High Anti-social?

Anti-social? - anti social when high

During my first and second years of high school I went to get drunk every weekend and caught in connection with the children at random and get from my parents and the police ... Only a teenager ... I'm now in junior high school and I do not know what happened, but everyone seems so immature, and angers me and I never feel like going out or seeing someone on the weekend and I'm afraid of these big problems with my parents ... I ussually get going latley with my mother when ... the weekend Comes Around, I'm anti-social or am I just in a difficult phase?


Dani said...

I think it is growing. There is nothing wrong, and I am sure that love his parents. You may have noticed that the party has up to 1000 different people a night not to act continues to have a very mature. Perhaps something has happened, and realized how much they blame the parents .. In any case, it seems you have a much better person.

Perhaps the reason why you want to spend more time with your mother and your friends just because his mother looking for an adult and as such, and maybe you is, is. Your friends havent reached the maturity that comes with them is still very annoying (believe me, I know the feeling). And you can spend time with her and not feel like I made a face, or pretend that you anything about it. It's your mother, she knows who you really are, and that's all they want from you. Perhaps the group of friends who would expect that you will continue to be a party animal, as they are, and they do not understand that his new personality, because it has not happened yet. I'm pretty sure that thingsBack to normal for you when your friends have also matured, and can leave with them and behave like adults and not feel the need to drink or party every 5 seconds.

booge said...

They are the best ones to hang with your mother

radianci... said...

I was sort of the opposite - I was, how much everyone seemed to be embarrassed in high school delinquent. He avoided them all and I think that anti, social, a little, "but it was better to work with people who go werent smart.

Tony B said...

It appears that you thrive.

Mr. Zuzzshi said...

Just keep blaming yourself, do not be so antisocial.

a habit with people like methamphetamine and heroin to

West_End... said...

No, it just means that you have started to grow! You should be proud that you do not like you just described more as obvious as I'm sure you understand now, I'll go anywhere to act productive.

No, you go through a difficult phase of its sensitive, responsible and mature. Love it, not many people can boast of his age, none of these properties.

nathanial c said...

I just called growing up lol thats your key to a new level of maturity of anything about what happens when you are dealing with something new to their time looking worried

ஐK.A.Pஐ said...

haha your name is no longer immature bitch!

elizabla... said...

There are now more and more mature. Previously they were acting like an immature big know-it-all baby bitch, and now act like a young adult. Your friends will also increase, and then you can spend time with in the rule.

elizabla... said...

There are now more and more mature. Previously they were acting like an immature big know-it-all baby bitch, and now act like a young adult. Your friends will also increase, and then you can spend time with in the rule.

Linds said...

I think his life back on track. The last thing to be safe and should be in contact with certain persons, including a young age. If 16 is still young, too young to drink, and in contact with people at random, probably not even about you. All they want from you is a night for a while, eventually very dangerous for you.

Many bad things can happen to anyone, the things that are not prepared to mean. Many young people who can drink later in life develop an alcohol problem, I know some people. Sleeping Around with individuals, can cause all sorts of problems, be exploited to become pregnant or contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

I think it is a big question now is what your parents think about what you do and you do not know, I have trouble. To me it sounds like you want to gain their trust. I say the right path, but still spend time with friends, movies, dance, sports activities, all free.

I do not know back suggest that the things hemade, if not, somewhere along the line, it could ultimately affect your life in ways that do not want.

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